High Sierra FireService - Physiotherapy

Today, the millennial generation is opting for holistic health care approaches which include proper use of Physical Therapy or Physiotherapy treatment. This is a method devised by health professional with proper use of mechanical force, bio-mechanics, exercise therapy, manual therapy, as well as electrotherapy that remediates any impairment while promoting better functionality and stability in the body.

Physiotherapy center dedicated to improvement of a patient’s life opt for methods such as diagnosis, examination, prognosis, patient education, and physical intervention. It is generally performed by an experienced physical therapist or physiotherapist with proper license acquired from a medical college.

Benefits of Physiotherapy

  • Manage Pain

    help to mobilize joints and soften tissue, restore muscle function.

  • Avoid Surgery

    It eliminates pain, helps in healing, and avoids surgery.

  • Prevent Injuries

    Physiotherapy helps to strengthen these vulnerable points.

  • Mobility and Balance

    Physiotherapy plays its role to restore mobility, create balance in entire body.

  • Maximize Your Movement

    Physical therapists are able to identify, diagnose and treat movement related issues.

  • Mobility and Balance

    Physiotherapy plays its role to restore mobility and create balance in the entire body

How does physiotherapy work's for you?

Physiotherapy works by provisioning the following benefits to the patients which includes

  • Treatment of joint pain from issues such as bursitis, arthritis, lupus, wrongly aligned joints, degenerative joints, joint instability.
  • Physiotherapy treatment also helps decrease the muscle pain which can emerge from torn muscles, strained/pulled muscles, fibromyalgia, tight muscles, muscles spasms, calf strain, muscles cramps, pulled hamstring, strained gluteals, etc.
  • Soft tissue injuries can also be aided with help from physiotherapy treatment which includes tennis elbow, tendinitis, golfers elbow, Achilles tendinitis, patellar tendinitis, back strain, etc.
  • Overuse Injuries such as shin splints, carpal tunnel, tension headaches, etc can be treated with help from a physiotherapy center.
  • Joint injuries are common as we age given the fact that our joints get fragile. Issues such as dislocated joints, joint sprains, sprained ankle, degenerated meniscus, sprained wrist, torn cartilage, etc can be dealt with the help of physiotherapy treatment.
  • Swelling & Edema related issues tend to stem from chronic issues such as rheumatic arthritis. With the help of a qualified physiotherapy center, you can treat issues such as chronic joint inflammation, lymphatic congestion, edema, etc.
  • Postural Issues like round shoulders, poor posture, scapular instability, muscle imbalance, muscle weakness, poor muscle density, etc can be corrected with proper help from experienced professionals.
  • Additionally, issues such as surgery bruising, contusions, foot pain, fallen archers, and plantar fasciitis can be treated with this holistic form of treatment.

How do our physiotherapists help you ?

At Arogyadhama, we house some of the best and most experienced physiotherapy professionals that understand the issues ailing you while developing a personalized treatment form with physiotherapy treatment.

  • Opt for a comprehensive assessment program that understands the needs of the client.
  • Evaluate all the findings obtained from the assessment for making clinical judgements with regards to clients.
  • Formulate a plan for diagnosis, prognosis, & treatment.
  • Provide expert consultation with any need for the clients to be referred to other healthcare professionals.
  • Implement the best protocol for physical therapy intervention.
  • Determine all possible outcomes from the treatment.
  • Provide all possible self-management recommendations.

Physiotherapy Service provided in High Sierra Fire

  • Pain Management : Physiotherapy services provided by us are helpful when it comes to shoulder pain, sports pain, muscle pain, etc. Our pain relief methodologies are proven with many successfully rehabilitated patients.
  • Post Surgical Rehabilitation : We also provide rehabilitation post surgery with issues such as hip replacements, tendon surgery, ligament surgery, reconstructive surgery, etc for better body flexibility with help from sukoon physical therapy.
  • Post Stroke Rehabilitation : If you recently had a stroke, rehabilitation with proper exercises and physiotherapy techniques is a must to avoid any future chances of suffering from stroke. Physiotherapy works by helping you retain back your flexibility.
  • Muscle Toning and Training : Sports injuries can require you to opt for physiotherapy based muscle toning and training sessions. Physical therapy or physiotherapy treatment helps in providing a tone and tighten muscle.
  • Muscle Sprains : Muscle sprain such as neck traps shoulder, knots in your neck, etc can be corrected with the help of physiotherapy treatment at Arogyadhama.
  • Ligament Tear : Injury disease such as ligament tear post surgery can be paired with flexibility when one opts for proper physiotherapy sessions provided by careful assessment of Arogyadhama professionals.
  • Muscle Relaxation : With strenuous day-to-day activities, your muscle might get tired and function in a capability less than original. With physiotherapy sessions, you get a chance to retain that original strength.
  • Postural Correction & Training : Physiotherapists works for postural correction & training involves the correction of issues such as lower back pain, muscle imbalance, muscle weakness, neck pain, lower back pain, etc.